How to Help Your Pets Adjust to the Move

by RoChelle Crockett 07/11/2021

When you move to a new home, your pets will need some time to get used to their new surroundings. Some pets adjust easily, while others might be more stressed about being in an unfamiliar environment. Whether you have easygoing or anxious pets, you can help them adjust to your new home with the following tips.

Set Up a Safe, Familiar Area

Dogs and cats like to have their own place where they can go to relax and feel secure. Choose an area in your new home for your pets that is safe and quiet and put their old beds, toys, blankets and other items in it rather than filling it with brand new ones. Having a comfortable area to go to filled with their usual toys and other familiar items can help them feel more at home in this new environment.

Stick to the Usual Schedule

Your pets have enough to cope with to get used to living in a new home. You can make this change easier on them by sticking to their usual schedule for feeding or going out for walks. This limits the number of changes they need to deal with overall and gives them a sense of familiarity in your new home.

Give Them a Chance to Explore on Their Own

Your pets might hide or avoid roaming around your new house at first, which is fine. When they’re feeling more comfortable, they’ll explore your new home at their own pace. This gives you a chance to go around and make sure that your house is as pet-proof as possible, so that your pets can safely explore different areas.

Create a Fun Environment

Making your new home a fun place for your pets can help them adjust to it more easily. This might include scattering old and new toys in various rooms for them to play with or hiding favorite treats in different areas. Setting up these fun activities can help your pets form a positive association with your new home.

Spend Quality Time with Your Pets

If your pets are feeling stressed, spending quality time with them is important. Although you’ll be busy unpacking and getting your new home set up, set aside some time each day to focus on your pets. Playing with your pets, taking dogs for longer walks than usual or simply sitting and petting them for a while can help ease this stress and make your pets feel calmer. Keeping them active with walks or playtime also helps wear them out, so they won’t get bored or frustrated in your new home.